Self-awareness self-test questions
Jul 22,2024 | Mysticryst
1. Self-reflection
Do you reflect on yourself every day?
A. Yes, every day
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
In the past week, how many times have you reflected deeply on your behavior or emotions?
A. More than five times
B. Three to five times
C. One to two times
D. Never
2. Feedback from others
Have you actively sought feedback from others?
A. Often
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never
Are you able to accept feedback from others objectively?
A. Always
B. Most of the time
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely
3. Personality test
Have you taken a personality test, such as MBTI or Big Five personality test?
A. Yes, many times
B. Yes, once
C. Want to, but not yet
D. Not interested in taking
Have you used the results of personality tests to guide your behavior and decision-making?
A. Often used
B. Occasionally used
C. Rarely used
D. Never used
4. Value exploration
Are you clear about your core values?
A. Very clear
B. Somewhat clear
C. Somewhat vague
D. Not at all
Do your behavior and decisions usually align with your core values?
A. Always
B. Most of the time
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely
5. Behavior record
Do you regularly record your behavior and emotional reactions?
A. Yes, every day
B. Occasionally record
C. Rarely record
D. Never record
Have you found your behavior and emotional patterns through behavior records?
A. Yes, I found a lot
B. I found some
C. I found very little
D. I didn’t find any
Score calculation
Each question is worth 3 points for option A, 2 points for option B, 1 point for option C, and 0 points for option D.
Total score range: 0-30 points.
Score interpretation
24-30 points: You have a relatively in-depth and comprehensive understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and can effectively manage and grow yourself.
16-23 points: You have a certain understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, but there is still room for improvement. You can further deepen your self-awareness through more methods and techniques.
8-15 points: You have a limited understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. It is recommended that you reflect on yourself more, seek feedback from others, and use scientific personality testing tools.
0-7 points: You have little understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. It is recommended that you actively explore various methods of self-awareness to improve self-awareness and self-awareness.